Today we did when I grow up my dream job is to be. What I added was images, equipment, and keywords. There is my work.
I am a student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Friday, 30 November 2018
Beat Plastic
This week we have been looking at Beat plastic pollution. I really enjoyed looking and watching the videos they were really interesting
Thursday, 29 November 2018
How to make Christmas decorations.
On Wednesday we made Christmas decorations.
- Grab a cupcake cup 3x
- ice block stick 1x
- glue stick 1x
- pompoms 3x
- Ribin 1x
- Grab 3 cupcake cup.
- Grab a ice block stick
- Grab a glue stick.
- Pinch the three cupcake .
- Grab pompoms
- Grab a ribin
- Lay the ice block stick down then glue the pinching cupcake cups on then add the ribin then the three pompoms then your done.👍👍👍😍😍😍
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Athletics day
On Tuesday we had athletics day. We had all types of activities. On the day we were learning how to show the school values. The easy part was doing the collaborating with everyone. The hard part trying to make a place in 1st,2nd,3rd. By the way I enjoyed doing long jump. and sprinting. Next time I will try and make it to inter schools athletics. Here are some photos of us.
Monday, 26 November 2018
Reflective Bog
last week on Friday we went to our school pool to do some testing on our boats the boat we tested was. The easy part was putting the money on the boat to see if it floats. The hard part was trying to make it stay still until it is straight. We were learning what the words (Buoyancy) and (destiny) How to make a boat float is the weight the lightness or if its heavy. I failed on my boat because I never finished my raft in time. Next time I will try and finish my Raft in time.
Friday, 23 November 2018
Fraction blog
This week we have been learning how to do fractions with the hole number and the formula And that the top number is the numerator and the bottom is denominate. The hard part was thinking and working the problem out. The easy part was following the formula. I enjoyed doing the Problems. Here is My work of fraction.
Taumarere history
A few weeks ago Rau kumara Rau Tangata went to Taumarere to find out information about the past and present. I know that In the past I know that Taumarere awa was used as washing dishes, Having Baths,washing clothes and More. what I know Now is dumping rubbish,Eeling That the train goes half way and that it doesn't go all the way. That The UK Rugby club is still there and the Church. The Hard part was remembering what the information was. The easy part is writing the ones that comes to my head. I liked learning things about the past I don't know why.
Assembly Blog
Couple of weeks ago it was our assembly I attended a video called ka taea e ahau/au. The easy part was saying what I need to say. The hard part was how to speak my Maori part but I enjoyed it here is my video that me and my buddy did.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Kapa Haka
Saturday 17 November my school Kapa Haka roopu performed in Te Renga Paraoa/ whangarei at the Maranga mai e te Iwi 2018. We placed 3rd in our Waiata-tira/ Coral, Whakaeke, Poi and Whakawatea. We placed 2nd in Waiata-a-ringa and firts equal with 4 other roopu in Kaitataki Wahine. Overall we placed 3rd and made it through to nationals My favorite Iteam was Poi because I got to stand in the hole performance. What we need to work on is the harmonizing But I still enjoyed it. Here Is the photo of the kapa haka roopu.
Friday, 9 November 2018
Reading to NRR
On Wednesday we had a (Book charter day) Because our library was opening. We were reading to our Juniors of our school. The easy part was reading to my buddy. The hard part was trying to keep them focus . But it was a good day. Here are some photos of us reading.
Monday, 5 November 2018
Holiday Recount
In the past Holidays we had kapa haka practice for us Te rau Pou manawa o kawakawa. The easy part was learning the actions,Pukana, to the new song. The hard part is staying focus when everybody is talking. What i need to work on is my focus but it was a good holidays. We had Monday and Tuesday on the first week of the Holidays and the second week was Thursday and Friday. We did (Top drops ) A lot of times. Top drops means doing all of our items 100% with pukana, singing as lound as you can, Its pretty cool when kapa haka is your life.
Monday, 10 September 2018
Cross country.
Last week on Friday we had a (FUN RUN) day. Well fun run is just like cross country but it's way more fun and you get to do obstacles courses and get coloured powder thrown at you. We also had to be in our house colors so we could get 500pt if any family members run with us. What happened was that I ran with my age level witch was 11 I had come 8th place out of a lot of girls . The funniest part about (FUN RUN!!) was we stoped and and had a bud fight with cow kaka and all then after that we jumped into the Taumarere awa and swam to the other side. My house was Ngapipito and our colour was Blue.
Here is some photos.
Here is some photos.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Project Island song
This week we have been learning about protect island and how there are no pest on it. I made a D.L.O with my friend Tuishaly, Manu The hard part was searching for information and facts about the island . The easy part was taking my time To finish my D.L.O we had to make. The thing I need to do next time is to proofread my work and make sure I have punctuation, and the right vocabulary in the right place. Here is a piece of our work.
Friday, 17 August 2018
Report writting
Last week we have been doing report writing and My Subject was Giant weta. My subjects was Diet, Habitat, life cycle. Diet means what they eat, Habitat means where they live. And the last one means the series of changes in the life of an organism including reproduction. The easy part was writing all the facts and that down. The hard part was find the facts and putting them into categories. Here is a piece of my work to show you.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
In the past two days we have been celebrating Matariki. We were doing activities. My activity was digital learning about Matariki I really thought that it was going to be boring but it was actually fun I did an animation which was about the seven sisters and the Evil father. The easy part was doing my planning. The hard part was thinking what type of idea I was gonna do. The one that I have done was Night sky It was awesome. But next time I think I can do a lot more metter. He is a presentation of my Animation. The thing I learnt was that the 7 sisters died from their Father because their father was evil.
Friday, 22 June 2018
In the next few weeks we are having matariki invite day and I am inviting my sister and her mate. We made an invite doc. The hard part was figuring who to invite. The easy part was writing the invitation information. Here is my invite that I created.
Monday, 18 June 2018
Last week in math we were doing highest and lowest. I Got a high answer which was 360 Here is my numbers how I got my answer 6x5x4x3=360 and my lowest was 6-5-4+3=2. The Easy part was reading the question. The hard part was Trying to get this answer. Here is a photo of my slide
Thursday, 14 June 2018
This week we have been looking at the Huarere and This was my presentation.
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
I am learning: To Use a systematic table to record my maths thinking. I can put effort into my work. I need to work on Teamwork and looking for patterns in my maths. My next step is to use Tidy work and to date my work.
Friday, 25 May 2018
This week in maths we did tea cups/saucer There was four different color's but sixteen to put in a 4 by 4 sheet. The hard part was understanding the problem. The easy part was sticking them into the table. My group and I tryed 12 times and then my group mate got it but on her self. I tryed but I never got it. But next time I'll try and complete the next problem.
These are the colors:
Blue cup/saucer
white cup/saucer
Red cup/saucer
yellow cup/saucer
These are the colors:
Blue cup/saucer
white cup/saucer
Red cup/saucer
yellow cup/saucer
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Problem solving.
Problem solving
This week in Maths My group and I been trying to Solve a problem. The easy part is reading the problem with out distractions. The Hard part is trying to solve the problem when people are distracting you. We were only allowed to use 10 numbers to make 37. The Numbers was 1,3,5,7 it was fun to try and solve the problem. When we were trying to solve the problem I learnt to do tide numbers and to draw a table. I used division and multiplication to try and solve the problem. But next time I need to lean more to try and solve the question.
This week in Maths My group and I been trying to Solve a problem. The easy part is reading the problem with out distractions. The Hard part is trying to solve the problem when people are distracting you. We were only allowed to use 10 numbers to make 37. The Numbers was 1,3,5,7 it was fun to try and solve the problem. When we were trying to solve the problem I learnt to do tide numbers and to draw a table. I used division and multiplication to try and solve the problem. But next time I need to lean more to try and solve the question.
Friday, 11 May 2018
Kia ora this week we have been earning about the watercycle and we got to do and activity for the watercycle and here is my one that I was working on.
Friday, 6 April 2018
Math eyes
This week and last week in math was math eyes my favorite part was all of it. The easy part is looking at the pitcher. The hard part is looking at the ohoto and then trying to think of another higher level word of the word that are lower level. But next time I get it. Here is a photo of my work.
Reading Intenshion.
This week and last week we have been doing reading and in our reading my group and I have been learning how to tell questions. The easy part is asking the questions and the hard part is telling the questions to the person that you are goona tell the question too. But next time I will ask questions to my group if im stuck. Here is a photo of the class questions.
For writting this week and last week my class and I have been learning to write metaphors for our Ko ahau buddy class somewhere in NZ. Here is a metaphor I wrote for them in English and Maori. He waka nui a Nga rau rangatira pera te roa mete ataahua. English- Nga rau rangatira is a big waka.
This term we were learning how to do integers in math. I really liked to read the question. The hard part is to solve the question The easy part is doing the hills and dails. So maybe next tearm we will be working on hills and dails. Here is a video...
Here is the video...
Friday, 23 March 2018
refection blog post....
I am learning to be a smart leaner by writing a quality blog post. The hard part is sometimes when you don't feel like doing a blog post or a blog comment because you get annoyed. The easy part is using reading the blog post that was posted by the actully girl/boy and using capitles in the right place. I need to remember to finish of my blog post on time
Thursday, 22 March 2018
our learning journey...
This week we have been learning about fish highway the thing I was learning was when you go toilet you flush it down and all the suwage which is the mimi and kaka gos out then into the pipes then it gos out to padic and then it drys up then gos out and that when you chuck rubbish and it rains the rubbish gos into the sea and palotes the sea when I get stuck on a word i carry on to a full stop then go back and then sound out the word...The thing I found out waht was hard was there were hard words the thing I found easy was looking at the pitcher and reading with whaea sharon... Here are some photos.

Friday, 16 March 2018
This week we have been working on integers for math the easy part of integers is drawing the pitcher hills and dailies and the hard part is explaining the answer when the teacher ask me how did you get that answer but my favorite part is drawing the pitcher which is the hills and dailies. Here is a pitcher of a piece of my work.
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
Learning Journey.
On Monday we were learning what is the the wrest spider in the word and we were reading a story on daddy long legs we thought that daddy long legs are the best because they protect you and they can eat white tails. Here are some photos of daddy long legs. Did you know that daddy log legs can attack white tails.
Daddy long leg White tail.
Daddy long leg White tail.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
The things I like.
Hi people today i am going to tell Yous what my favorite thing is and a selfie of myself. So my things I like
- I like playing Ki-o-rahi which is a sports
- I like reading to my nana papa mum and dad because they give me feedback and forwards.
- My favorite food is boilap .
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
My learning goals.
This year in reading I am trying to read a longer period of times over days and such as using a comprehensions starges in my reading. So I think that I need to complete The reading goals that I got told to
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