
Friday, 23 March 2018

refection blog post....

I am learning to be a smart leaner by writing a quality blog post. The hard part is sometimes when you don't feel like doing a blog post or a blog comment because you get annoyed. The easy part is using reading the blog post that was posted by the actully girl/boy and using capitles in the right place. I need to remember to finish of my blog post on time

Thursday, 22 March 2018

our learning journey...

This week we have been learning about fish highway the thing I was learning was when you go toilet you flush it down and all the suwage which is the mimi and kaka  gos out then  into the pipes  then it gos out to padic and then it drys up then gos out and that when you chuck rubbish and it rains the rubbish gos into the sea and palotes the sea when I get stuck on a word i carry on to a full stop then go back and then sound out the word...The thing I found out waht was hard was there were hard words the thing I found easy was looking at the pitcher and reading with whaea sharon... Here are some photos.

Image result for pipes going down and into the padic                                     Image result for sewageImage result for Fish

Friday, 16 March 2018


This week we have been working on integers for math the easy part of integers is drawing the pitcher hills and dailies and the hard part is explaining the answer when the teacher ask me how did you get that answer but my favorite part is  drawing the pitcher which is the hills and dailies. Here is a pitcher of a piece of my work.


Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Learning Journey.

On Monday we were learning what is the the wrest spider in the word and we were reading a story on daddy long legs we thought that daddy long legs are the best because they protect you and they can eat white tails. Here are some photos of daddy long legs. Did you know that daddy log legs can attack white tails.

Daddy long leg                                                               White tail.
Image result for white tail spiderImage result for daddy long legs

Thursday, 1 March 2018

The things I like.

Hi people today i am going to tell Yous what my favorite thing is and a selfie of myself. So my things I like

  • I like playing Ki-o-rahi which is a sports 
  • I like reading to my nana papa mum and dad because they give me feedback and forwards. 
  • My favorite food is  boilap .