
Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Project Island song

This week we have been learning about protect island and how there are no pest on it. I made a D.L.O with my friend Tuishaly, Manu The hard part was searching for information and facts about the island . The easy part was taking my time To finish my D.L.O we had to make. The thing I need to do next time is to proofread  my work and make sure I have punctuation, and the right vocabulary in the right place. Here is a piece of our work.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Report writting

Last week we have been doing report writing and My Subject was Giant weta. My subjects was Diet, Habitat, life cycle. Diet means what they eat, Habitat means where they live. And the last one means the series of changes in the life of an organism including reproduction. The easy part was writing all the facts and that down. The hard part was find the facts and putting them into categories. Here is a piece of my work to show you.